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Shoulder (Staying Aligned)
Shoulder (Staying Aligned)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 1 Intro & Theory(Anatomy) (10:04)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 2 Congruency (8:09)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 3 Self Practice (2:12)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 4 Exercises: Supine (7:49)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 5 Exercises: Prone (3:55)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 6 Exercises: Sidelying (3:56)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 7 Exercises: Upper Extremity Weightbearing (4:32)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 8 Exercises: Seated (4:03)
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 9 Exercises: Standing (3:41)
Checkpoint: Exercises Quiz
Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 10: Breathing (4:44)
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Shoulder Alignment - MODULE 9 Exercises: Standing
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